
Saturday, March 10, 2012

A new addition makes the family grow

A new baby is born into the Wander Family. It's another girl, and her name is Francoise. She's a cute girl with  brown hair. Her arrival was a blessing and a cruse at the same time. For one she's the six child, and her siblings and parents don't spend too much time with her so she's pretty much left to her own devices. 

Eva's pregnancy with Francoise went well; she spent all of her time shirtless, wearing only her blue sweat pants ; 

Cooking away, 

  Having conversations with her husband Derik about the pregnancy and child on the way, both of them extremely happy together looking forward to meeting the newest member of their growing family, and wonder will it be a boy or another girl this time, as well as what the child will be like and discussing names to chose from. 

And taking the time to scrub the whole house clean to make sure the new baby will arrive in a nice clean environment were she wouldn't get sick from germs. 


Before they knew it, it was time to give birth to their daughter Francoise. 
Eva decides to have another Home Birth - as she has had with all five of her children already. 

Once she goes into labor, Derik decides it's time to make a run for it, and disappears. It is Luc and Pascal, her two sons that come to check in on her, and do a bit of freaking out;

That is until it's time to push their new sister Francoise out.

Needless to say, all of Eva's children are born weird alien looking. Hopefully Francoise like her siblings will outgrow the weirdness as she gets older. 

Eva tries to take really good care of little Francoise,  but life just takes over, and she gets post pregnancy depression ; hardcore depression. So much that she's laying around everywhere, and soon the pressure begins to get to Derik and he too falls into deep depression without any him time either while he tries to take care of their  six children. 

Both of them end up laying around everywhere around the house on the floor, not able to do anything else, no matter if it makes them miss work or not. Nothing can get them back to normal for a very long time. 

 They just lay there, sometimes holding little Francoise in their arms like Eva is here, but most of the time they're not doing anything but wasting their life away.

Things got so bad that once they did finally get up and go to the kitchen to eat after days of not, Derik fell right our of his chair, and just curled up on the kitchen floor, hungry as can be, but not being able to do anything about it.

During this whole time, Eva and Derik's other children could only stand by and watch it all happen. They tried everything to help them, took up all the cleaning and everything, yet nothing seemed to work.


What will ever become of the Wander Family? Will the parents be forever depressed? How will they get back on track, and how will this all affect the children? Will they be able to get back on their feet, or will they forever be doomed and the children neglected until the end of time? 

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