
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Marie-Pier's Talent

Eva's daughter Marie-Pier is an extremely gifted artistic. Already as a child she has painted numinous paintings valued at 400$ dollars, as well as has painted portraits of both her mother and father,

Which hung framed besides one another on the wall. 

Marie-Pier was such an artistic and had flare with such things that Eva put her in charge of remodeling both the kitchen, and the bathroom. The end result was very much so liked by the whole family, and was quite well done, especially for a child to have done it all herself with the money given to her in budget. 

The kitchen done by : Marie-Pier Wander, a child. 

The bathroom, done by Marie-Pier Wander, a child. 

Needless to say, Marie-Pier was very proud of her handiwork, as was her mother. This definitely bought Eva's oldest daughter up in Eva's eyes as she could see the huge potential in the girl.

Eva hadn't made her mind up yet as to which daughter was going to be her heir yet - and she had plans of waiting until all three were teenagers at the least to see how they all turned out. But, she was watching every movement and accomplishment each and every one of her children were raking up. So far, Marie-Pier was in the lead by far.

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