
Friday, March 16, 2012


I have moved my Forever Ruled by Women Legacy  : HERE at :

  Please change your saved address for it to the new link. Thank you.

I made the move was so that I could easily remake it's layout and get it better looking. I hope you like the new place.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fending for themselves...

While Eva and Derik were both in deep depression after the birth of their youngest sister Francoise, the others have to fend for themselves while they try to survive this storm.

The artist of the family Marie-Pier decided to deal with the pain of her parents not being there for her by burying herself in her work. She spends a lot of time painting.

Painting dark gloomy printings, 

Sunny sea pictures,

And portraits - anything really to pass the time and disappear into to escape the pain. 

 Finally, Marie-Pier takes on a new huge project - making the Master bedroom and area for her parents in hopes of ... well something - at least bring them back to normal. 

She put together their living room area, completed with a bookcase;


        their bedroom, including candle lights, decorations, and a plant to bring it all to life with a new matching bed and dresser.

Not to forget, their bathroom as well, which was small, but very well put together if she must say so herself.

Yes, she was very proud of herself, and all her siblings absolutely loved her handiwork. Sadly, as predicted, her parents didn't notice a thing in their state, or if they did they didn't bother to say much. By that time they were so far gone they might as well not have lived in the house at all.

Although her parents couldn't realize the skills Marie-Pier was now exhibiting more and more, it didn't stop her. She decided it was time that their home have proper outside walls, and took matters into her own hands, and picked out the panels herself, and got the job done with her siblings help.  

Yes, the home was beginning to become more of a home itself, no matter what darkness was happening inside. 


As for the others,  they spent their time socializing together and with their friends. Doing all kinds of things from ... 

Playing with the blocks, 
to playing chess together,

to playing with the dolls,

 Hanging around chit-chatting and having conversations, as well we gossiping together...


                 Watching tv, and movies 


and hanging out with their friends. They tried to pass the time, and not feel the absence of their parents as much.


They ate their meals together, as much as the possibly could manage to,

They went places together such as the library and town pool to relax and have a good time together outside of the house, as well as going to friends homes so that they weren't the ones always inviting people over to their home. 

They found plenty of ways to amuse themselves, but they were still lacking their parents love and attention.

The Wander children were growing up much faster than they should be at this point of time in their life - but what choice did they have while their parents were so far lost in their own world?

A new addition makes the family grow

A new baby is born into the Wander Family. It's another girl, and her name is Francoise. She's a cute girl with  brown hair. Her arrival was a blessing and a cruse at the same time. For one she's the six child, and her siblings and parents don't spend too much time with her so she's pretty much left to her own devices. 

Eva's pregnancy with Francoise went well; she spent all of her time shirtless, wearing only her blue sweat pants ; 

Cooking away, 

  Having conversations with her husband Derik about the pregnancy and child on the way, both of them extremely happy together looking forward to meeting the newest member of their growing family, and wonder will it be a boy or another girl this time, as well as what the child will be like and discussing names to chose from. 

And taking the time to scrub the whole house clean to make sure the new baby will arrive in a nice clean environment were she wouldn't get sick from germs. 


Before they knew it, it was time to give birth to their daughter Francoise. 
Eva decides to have another Home Birth - as she has had with all five of her children already. 

Once she goes into labor, Derik decides it's time to make a run for it, and disappears. It is Luc and Pascal, her two sons that come to check in on her, and do a bit of freaking out;

That is until it's time to push their new sister Francoise out.

Needless to say, all of Eva's children are born weird alien looking. Hopefully Francoise like her siblings will outgrow the weirdness as she gets older. 

Eva tries to take really good care of little Francoise,  but life just takes over, and she gets post pregnancy depression ; hardcore depression. So much that she's laying around everywhere, and soon the pressure begins to get to Derik and he too falls into deep depression without any him time either while he tries to take care of their  six children. 

Both of them end up laying around everywhere around the house on the floor, not able to do anything else, no matter if it makes them miss work or not. Nothing can get them back to normal for a very long time. 

 They just lay there, sometimes holding little Francoise in their arms like Eva is here, but most of the time they're not doing anything but wasting their life away.

Things got so bad that once they did finally get up and go to the kitchen to eat after days of not, Derik fell right our of his chair, and just curled up on the kitchen floor, hungry as can be, but not being able to do anything about it.

During this whole time, Eva and Derik's other children could only stand by and watch it all happen. They tried everything to help them, took up all the cleaning and everything, yet nothing seemed to work.


What will ever become of the Wander Family? Will the parents be forever depressed? How will they get back on track, and how will this all affect the children? Will they be able to get back on their feet, or will they forever be doomed and the children neglected until the end of time? 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Marie-Pier's Talent

Eva's daughter Marie-Pier is an extremely gifted artistic. Already as a child she has painted numinous paintings valued at 400$ dollars, as well as has painted portraits of both her mother and father,

Which hung framed besides one another on the wall. 

Marie-Pier was such an artistic and had flare with such things that Eva put her in charge of remodeling both the kitchen, and the bathroom. The end result was very much so liked by the whole family, and was quite well done, especially for a child to have done it all herself with the money given to her in budget. 

The kitchen done by : Marie-Pier Wander, a child. 

The bathroom, done by Marie-Pier Wander, a child. 

Needless to say, Marie-Pier was very proud of her handiwork, as was her mother. This definitely bought Eva's oldest daughter up in Eva's eyes as she could see the huge potential in the girl.

Eva hadn't made her mind up yet as to which daughter was going to be her heir yet - and she had plans of waiting until all three were teenagers at the least to see how they all turned out. But, she was watching every movement and accomplishment each and every one of her children were raking up. So far, Marie-Pier was in the lead by far.

Introduction to Second Generation - Eva's Children

So far Eva has five children. First she gave birth to a set of boy-girl twins, followed by a set of triplets [two girls one boy].

First born of the first pregnancy twins set was a daughter whom Eva named Marie-Pier.
Her traits were : heavy sleeper, over-emotional and artistic.
Life Goal was to be an Illustrious Author.

Second born of the first pregnancy twin was a son whom Eva named Luc. 
His traits were : Genius, Technophobe, and easily-impressed.
His life goal is to be an Master of the Arts. 

First born of the second pregnancy from the set of girl-boy-girl triplets was Bella Belle.
Her traits were that she's an evil genius who is also neurotic.
She has great dreams of being a Foresnic Specialist of Dynamic DNA Profiler. 

After Bella Belle came their second son Pascal, of the second pregnancy triplet set.
His traits are that he can't stand art, is clumsy, and is a virtuoso. 
So far he doesn't yet know what he wants to do with his life as he is too young to decide and has many interests that he still wants to explore before making any kind of decision.

Lastly, but not least is Roxyanne. She is of the second pregnancy's set of triplets. 
Her traits are that she's a slob, and an athletic that loves the outdoors.
Although she is not one hundred percent sure what she wants to be someday let she can see herself doing something in the professional sports field.

So there you have it - Eva's five children. Each and every single one of them have their own personalities, traits, dreams and wishes. It's a big family and although Eva is a very busy working mother, she loves them all.  Derik adores his children and big family, and is currently in the process of trying to convince Eva that they should have more. Good luck to him, she is a stubborn lady after all.

Links to Eva's kids if you wish to download them:

Marie-Pier Wander :
Luc Wander :
Bella Belle Wander :
Pascal Wander :
Roxyanne Wander :

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Having Five Kids is Hard Work

Having five kids, especially when three are toddle triplets, is rough - and although Eva loves her kids to death, it's still hard work and she is greatly looking forward until the triplets [Pascal, Roxyanne and Bella Belle's] childhood birthday so that she no longer has to care for their every single little need and want. 
Because for the moment between the triplets and work, both Eva and Derik are not getting the sleep which they so desperately need. 

 There's always playing to be done with them, giving them attention, feeding them, changing their dirty diapers, teaching [or not teaching] them to talk and walk, and to use the potty.

 And carrying them everywhere with you giving them lots of love and attention, no matter how hungry, dirty and sleepy you are, the children come first least they be taken away by the social workers never to be returned to you again.

Through it was a lot of hard times, with very low energy, the day soon came which was the triplet's birthday, and they all grew up into children at the small family only party that Eva threw them were she fed them lots and lots of cake. 

Everyone was so happy, and gathered around cheering and blowing horns in honor of the triple birthday.

Not to forget, the two eldest children also needed attention during this time, and although they got to chat here and there with their parents, 
  They often had to sit alone at the dinner table and eat their leftovers on their own since Eva was too worn out by that point to sit down with them for a meal, which broke their heart. 

But, what else can you do when you have that many children, especially so young and close together in age? 

Expanding the House

Once the triplets were born it was definitely time to expand their home from Eva's cosy little house until something that would fit all seven of them. And so after drawing up the bleuprints, Eva had this house built on her land, saving her original cosy little place on the very far corner of the property because it was such a huge part of her beginnings, and was forever going to be honored throughout their history as the beginning. 

Their new house had very little inside of it, was wasn't decorated at all, as well as it was made with the cheapest materials around. Eva felt bad about that because for now it was all that she could afford to provide her family with as building the two story place [although the second wasn't usable in the least] about completely broke her and she had had to take a lot of time off to raise the twins, maternity leave, and than leave to have this place built.

Although the new Wander house wasn't yet what it was supposed to be, and had so very little inside of it, Eva  had huge plans for it, and knew that as time went on the house would look better and better as more time and money was put into it as their fortunes grew over the generations.

 Eva also knew that shortly she'd have more money to decorate and finish the house more with because she was a partner at three businesses in town, which were bring in pretty good money regularly - and she makes good pay at the top of her political field as Leader of the Free World.