
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Having Five Kids is Hard Work

Having five kids, especially when three are toddle triplets, is rough - and although Eva loves her kids to death, it's still hard work and she is greatly looking forward until the triplets [Pascal, Roxyanne and Bella Belle's] childhood birthday so that she no longer has to care for their every single little need and want. 
Because for the moment between the triplets and work, both Eva and Derik are not getting the sleep which they so desperately need. 

 There's always playing to be done with them, giving them attention, feeding them, changing their dirty diapers, teaching [or not teaching] them to talk and walk, and to use the potty.

 And carrying them everywhere with you giving them lots of love and attention, no matter how hungry, dirty and sleepy you are, the children come first least they be taken away by the social workers never to be returned to you again.

Through it was a lot of hard times, with very low energy, the day soon came which was the triplet's birthday, and they all grew up into children at the small family only party that Eva threw them were she fed them lots and lots of cake. 

Everyone was so happy, and gathered around cheering and blowing horns in honor of the triple birthday.

Not to forget, the two eldest children also needed attention during this time, and although they got to chat here and there with their parents, 
  They often had to sit alone at the dinner table and eat their leftovers on their own since Eva was too worn out by that point to sit down with them for a meal, which broke their heart. 

But, what else can you do when you have that many children, especially so young and close together in age? 

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