
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Eva makes a Decision

After spending much time thinking, and going on dates with both of her romantic interests, while only ever finding herself in bed with Derik, 

 Woohooing and cuddling,

Eva decided it was time to make her decision as to who to go steady with. And so she approached Derik, pregnant with his child, in front of his ex-girlfriend, and asked him if he wanted to go steady with her, and told him about the pregnancy, all at once. 

Needless to say, he took it quite well, and right away wanted to touch her growing tummy and feel his child growing inside of her, and definitely was for the relationship being official.   He didn't even mind being told all this in front of his ex-girlfriend - he just laughed it off, telling Eva that she played that one really well, and told her how much he loves her, and how much he is excited for their little one.  

 Now that  Eva and Derik were official and that he knew of the pregnancy, it was time to spread the news. Right away Eva went to her best-girl-friends Midnight and Katrina and told them both all about the little one on it's way, and about her relationship being steady and official now. Needless to say they were very happy and excited for her, and couldn't get enough of rubbing her belly.

That day was an extremely good one for both Eva and her newly turned boyfriend Derik. Life was just getting started for them, and they were young and powerful and gorgeous. Life was good. 

Life was so good for them that in fact ....

Eva decided it was time to move things along, and she proposed to Derik. She was never one good for waiting when she wanted something, and after all they were starting their family already, so why not tie all the loose ends up? Especially since she had already made it to the Top Level in her Political field. She had everything in the business world, it was time to really settle down and have everything else that she ever dreamed of. 

Derik was super shoked when Eva asked for his hand, though suprised, and a little bit frustrated if he must admit so. He had been planning of making an honest women out of her and marrying her, but she once again bet him to the punch line. He would have to get used to doing things her way, in her time. She was the boss and he well knew it, but he loved her so much that it really didn't bother him, and he jumped for joy and held her super close romantically after accepting her proposal.

They were engaged! Eva and Derik were engaged, and already making plans for the future.  

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