
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Living in Poverty

Since Eva didn't have much money after buying the best land in town, she had to make some very tough decisions on what to do with what little she had left. She knew that she would be able to often mooch food from people and buildings, and that she could go places to shower - but there were still some bases that she needed on her land.

After doing a lot of calculations, she made the hard decision of buying a cheap but good bed, a counter, fridge and stove so that she could learn to cook, and two wall panels - just enough so that she could temporally install the cheapest available toilet and sink.

 Even through she bought the very very basics, she felt extremely guilty because she painfully only had 305$ leftover, and she didn't have the money to build four walls around her and put a roof over her head. At least it was summer and the weather was warm, right? She'll soon get more of the things she'll need - at the very least build herself a tiny one room place. There was no way that she, the very ambitious Sim would allow herself to live like this for long.

After taking a small break and trying out her bed, Eva decided it was time to hit the Town, and check out what it had to offer.

First she hit up the park, and as soon as she got there she headed over to the first picnic in process that she spotted. There she introduced herself to everyone, and helped herself to a great big helping of food. She didn't care what she ate, as long as it was filling. Beggars, although they didn't know it, can't be picky right?

Once the meal was done she engaged in more socializing with those whose picnic she crashed;

and did a little mooching, which made the women dislike Eva a bit, which of course didn't help Eva when the man flirted with her, and she responded. Opps, that man was married to the women. Time to head out before all the drama begins, although the teenage son didn't have an issue with everything going on around him, and had his own conversation with Eva away from his auguring parents until it was time for him to return home once crew-few time arrived.

Once alone in the Park, Eva debated about returning home, or check out more of the Town before calling it a night. In the end she decided it was way too early to return, and decided to hit up the Gym.

While at the gym for her first time ever, Eva did some weight lifting to get into shape to confront the world facing her, and than she practiced giving a Speech in the mirror, which will only help her when she enters her chosen field of politics. 

 This was of course after she took a shower to get rid of the sweat and grim of her workout.


 Once she had used up the last of her energy she returned to her plot of land, were she prepared some mac and cheese for dinner and ate it sitting on her toilet.

Maybe it wasn't the best life had to offer, but Eva knew that her life was only beginning, and she was content for the moment. 

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