
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Spending Time Together

During Eva's second pregnancy she takes more time off from work than she did during her first. She wants this extra time to spend with her family, and so she does.

She spends time looking at Marie-Pier's artwork, and having conversations with her while she paints,

debating politics with her genius and highly intelligent son who despises anything electronic such as computers and TVs since he's a telephonic,  

 And not to forget, spending lots of time with her sexy husband talking and flirting away.

 Serving and making food for her family,

 while she still physically could before she got too huge to stay on her feet more than a few minutes.

Until she went into labor that is, and gave birth to her second pregnancy, which low and behold turned out to not be twins, but triplets! Two girls and one boy! Oh my gosh, it is now official, Eva and Derik are two extremely fertile people, and they just keep popping out kids. 

The Wander Family which now had five kids have definitely outgrown the little cosy home Eva had built herself a few years before beginning to pop the children out, and so it was time to begin drawing up the bleuprints for a new legacy house for them on their giant parcel of land. 

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