
Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Second Generation begins to Grow up

As time goes on and Luc and Marie-Pier grow up and become beautiful children, successful in school both being on the Honor Society getting straight As and working on their logic [Luc] and artistic [Marie-Pier] skills...

Derik is feeling baby fever once again, and sets out to seduce Eva;

after having a good chat with her about it of course.

At first Eva was happy just having their daughter and son - and of course already had an heir to be in Marie-Pier to take over the family someday, but than she got to thinking with Derik's urging her on with words and delicious making out in bed 

 what if god-forbide something were to happen to Marie-Pier, she'd have nobody to carry on her lecacy which had to be led by a women as Eva had long ago decided.

 And so, that evening, hours after they had their discussion and Eva was left to her own devices to think about it all, Eva hopped into bed, and completely surprised Derik when she began to woohoo with him, without a condom. She had made her decision - their twins were in grade school - children - and it was time to begin trying for another.

 Derik was very happy indeed at his surprise, and had finally won a battle for once in his relationship with Eva who had always called the shots - even if she sung it as being her plan all along to have another kid. It was a major victory for him, and he couldn't wait to meet their next baby.

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